This one has a heart of gold! She was the team leader to Cohort 4. She loved all of them unconditionally, and went out of her way to support the team in unbelievable ways. In her course, she was among the best, her main motivation was her mom having raised them as a single parent she wanted to work hard and support her. This chance at PSF meant everything to her, and she gave it the seriousness it deserved. When she finally made it, her excitement was immeasurable, she invited her grandfather from the village to come and witness. To her, this was a great achievement. Crescentia is an all round fashion designer and anything she does has a Wao effect. As a student her class projects and even her own creations brought some good income to the organization. She has a ‘thing’ in Fashion and is trying to build her own brand Style by kriss. Meanwhile we encourage anyone who would wish to have an all round fashion designer to reach out to us, Crescentiah can do both ladies and male designs. She recently won the most creative Fashion designer during the East Africa Fashion week. She has brought the 1st ever trophy on our shelves. We are so proud of you Crescentia. Congratulations!